PlaneSWING® Introduces a Complete Golf Swing Trainer Specifically Designed to Build a Powerful and Repeatable Swing in Just Minutes a Week.

Building a powerful and repeatable swing that is on plane is fundamental to lowering scores. The PlaneSWING® was developed from a proven concept used and endorsed by Leading Instructors, Tour Players and PGA Professionals across the World. Now golfers can develop these core skills in the comfort of their own home.

Plane Swing


Having a PlaneSWING® at home will help golfers put into practice the drills and exercises recommended by their Teaching Professional, building a powerful, dynamic and repeatable motion which will lead to longer, straighter shots and most importantly, lower scores! Golfers need only to spend 10 minutes a day, 3 to 4 times a week to fast track skill development and strength training of golf muscles that results in an improved swing, lower scores, and the ability to play better for longer.

There are SEVEN common problems that golfers experience which are solved with PlaneSWING®:

1. Stop slicing now!
2. Stop coming over the top!
3. Stop that hook!
4. Stop Sh***ing now!
5. No more fat shots
6. No more thin shots
7. Improve your accuracy and distance

Golfers can TRY THE PlaneSWING® NOW, RISK FREE! PlaneSWING® inventor, Tony Clark, believes that pound-for-pound PlaneSWING® is the best full swing golf teaching, training and golf fitness system in the World and GUARANTEES that golfers will experience significant improvement with a money back guarantee.

Golfers can put the PlaneSWING® to the test by visiting