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End Of The Year Analysis
Updated: 1/2/2012 12:29:21 PM
My final analysis of 2011 will be about myself, my swing, and what I need to work on in early 2011 to get me firing on all cylinders in the future.

First off, I would like to say thanks to everyone for making it a fun experience here on Stracka, and I look forward to seeing you all on here in 2012, or maybe even in person. Who knows?

In 2011, I went through a swing change, a shot shape change, and an improved all around short game.

My swing change, is what has got me where I am today. I had this over the top deal, that was very playable, but I couldn't set up properly. My former boss is the primary reason for my better success this year. I may not be hitting greens, but I am getting more accurate, I am starting to get that smooth swing back on track, and I am giving myself chances for pars around the greens.

My shot shape in 2010 was a fade, or sometimes a slice. This struck me strange, because in the late part of 2009 (when I started playing with an old iron set) I was hit a draw and a hook. I have heard this is rare for new golfers, and I see why it is. I am now hitting the draw with my shots, sometimes a hard draw. My driver I would love to be able to command both ways. I would love to command both ways on each club, but I will take the fade on a driver every day of the week. It is much easier to control. Some guys like Phil Mickelson only hit a draw when they have to. I understand he is a lefty, but either way it is easier to control.

There are some things in early 2012 that I have to grind down on:

- I spoke of the driver already.

- I've already spoken about controlling both shot shapes with each club.
   --- This also includes shot creativity.

- What I would like to do, is re learn my punch shots and roll outs. Today, I took a punch 8 and hit it exactly how far I wanted to. I judged it very well. I would like to get all of these figured out, but I already think I have the number in mind for each club. Just to give an example.. My full 8-iron shot is usually about a 150 - 155 carry. My punch shot ends up about 145, and carries about 135 (The maximum full carry of my PW, which will allow me to not get back spin on sloped greens with a punch shot.)

- Hard pan/crappy lies. I get these at a few of the courses I play. Not just me, but everyone. And I would love to be able to give myself a better chance at playing a good shot.

- My putting has really come on. A couple of pulls here and there, but that's golf. I am keeping my head down most times now, and I am pleased with that.

- I have figured out my yardages for inside 100 for the most part, but it still needs to be worked on, for consistency purposes.

- Continue working on getting more greens consistently. My alignment has improved very well with a pre-shot routine the past week or so.

The things I did well in 2011:

- I started being able to strike the ball consistently well.

- My bunker game has improved greatly.

- Learning ways to better my course management

- Minimizing my missed fairways, by not being too far out of the fairway.

I am looking for improvement, and I will work to do this. I can't wait to start off 2012, and I wish a very great 2012 year in golf, in health, and in life each and every one of you. God bless.

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Comments (4)

BRETTBB 1/2/2012 9:13:23 AM
I have gone from being a middle age [57] average amateur with games in the mid 80's to shooting rounds frequently in the 70's. I started seeing 2 PGA teaching pro's, one in 2007, and recently in latter 2010, went from 12-13 hdcp down to a 6-7, shooting alot of rounds in the 70's now. My goal in 2010 was to get lower handicapp, but couldnt with my misplaced delusional thought that i could achieve this on my own!! Corey speaks about goals, and changing some fundamental things with his swing.. I did the same, only i did so with a second teaching pro, his persistence brought me from being an average weekend "slapper" to being a decent low handicapper that keeps the ball IN PLAY most of the time.

I dont get in trouble anymore, and I was told to continually work on "around the green" stuff, because the truth is, even though my handicap dropped, i still miss greens, and getting that ball in range for a shot at par putt is critical..This is what dropped my handicap, and I am speaking for myself as alot of guys have great ability to hit amazing approaches; i dont, not on consistent basis..My working on the "around the green" stuff got me to being better, and my 2012 goal is to work on the approaches!! Wanna wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2012!!

Anthony Bellville 1/1/2012 10:29:39 AM
After years of just farting around, the last two months I have really taken to golf and between lessons and my Optishot I now have a 25 handicap, which is incredible being I have never been able to break 100 before.

I tried a belly putter for a few rounds and hated it, my resolution is to work on my power (or lack of it) and being straight. I figure if I can be at least straight I can work slowly on the rest.

Great board, great site!
Happy new year!

cogolfer1 12/31/2011 6:33:59 PM
Well, here's my monthly analysis of the year. January- Only played 27 holes and they were executive courses, but with the standards and handicap I had at the time I played great with a couple of career low rounds at those courses at the time. February- Again, very little golf at 36 holes, but unlike the prior month I played like total crap. Mostly had to do with my irons as my other stats actually weren't too bad, pretty similar to what they are now. March- Absolutely awful before I got 1 of only 2 lessons during the year (the other happened today) and then shot an 11 over 83 at my home course which busted my previous record by 4. April- Worst month of my season by far. Not a single round that made me smile at the time when I looked at the score. Reason? Driving, irons, short game, putter. Hard to do well when all 4 parts of the game are blowing. May- More of the same as April. Played in a junior tournament which gave me a less than thrilling T80 out of 110 player finish. June- THE MONTH when my golf game changed. I don't know what the reason was, maybe that I got out of school, but from shooting in the high 80's on regulation courses I started shooting 82, 83, 84 all month. July- The time in which I played the best golf I ever have in my life. Highlighted by a beautiful 75, I broke 80 for the first time and then did it my next 2 times out. Then I moved to the tips full time, and unfortunately haven't gotten under 80 since July 26th. August- Made my high school's team which was the biggest goal I had in the year. My game did drop off the map a little though, and only played 1 18 hole round I was happy with, an 84 from the tips. September- A month better than August, not as good as July, I won a high school tournament, came 2nd in another, and T4 in another. Had a few really good rounds and met my awesome golf buddy Ron Satha, through Stracka this month. October- Nothing great score wise, but I played in Maui which made it a fantastic golf month. November- Solid clos

cogolfer1 12/31/2011 6:33:59 PM
Well, here's my monthly analysis of the year. January- Only played 27 holes and they were executive courses, but with the standards and handicap I had at the time I played great with a couple of career low rounds at those courses at the time. February- Again, very little golf at 36 holes, but unlike the prior month I played like total crap. Mostly had to do with my irons as my other stats actually weren't too bad, pretty similar to what they are now. March- Absolutely awful before I got 1 of only 2 lessons during the year (the other happened today) and then shot an 11 over 83 at my home course which busted my previous record by 4. April- Worst month of my season by far. Not a single round that made me smile at the time when I looked at the score. Reason? Driving, irons, short game, putter. Hard to do well when all 4 parts of the game are blowing. May- More of the same as April. Played in a junior tournament which gave me a less than thrilling T80 out of 110 player finish. June- THE MONing to the year with 2 good rounds, 1 OK round, 1 bad round. That's that.

I made no progress with any part of my game this year except for irons. Mostly having to do with getting Nike Slingshots instead of some crappy RAM clubs. My driving stayed average, hitting plenty of fairways but hitting it nowhere, short game remained brilliant and the reason why my handicap is a 9 and not a 15, putting stayed average with the exact same amount of putts per hole this year as last year with 1.79. Would love to keep hitting fairways, pick up 30 yards more with each club, and drop my putting numbers to 1.69. Excited for what 2012 has in store.