One putts.

We as golfers, love it when we only putt once. Whether that be for birdie, par, or heck sometimes even bogey. We feel like we have accomplished something that is kind of a challenge, but it really should just be something simple. Something we can do all day, every day, and every time we play.

Now, I consider my self and above average putter. I average between 28 and 30 putts per round. Now, understand that if you were to hit every fairway and green, and you were to two-putt, you have accomplished even par. Sounds easy, right? Well, it should be. However, for most of us it is not.

That all brings me to this. I was playing with a friend I have gotten the chance to meet and play with a lot as of the last few months. His name is Clarke. He takes his time with finding the line. He makes sure he has it, no matter how long it takes him to find it. Seldomly does it ever go over a minute,

Now, what I have witnessed the past 2 days of playing golf with this friend was completely beyond my mind, and possible this world. I have never seen such success putting, not even from most of the tour pros we often love to watch play. This man is a serious one putt machine.

You are probably wondering machine? Does he need oil? A machine that actually one-putts a golf ball each and every time. Well, not a machine. But, a person.

Both days this weekend, I played with Clarke. I don't remember what he shot Saturday, but he had an amazing 26 putts, with 10, yes 10, one-putts. Unheard of right? Has anyone ever seen this before with their own eyes, or from a tour pro?

Well, get this. The next day we played again. This man, is obviously on fire. Because, this man not only beat his record he set the previous day, he darn well played the best I have ever seen him play.

Clarke had 24 or 25 putts, I can't remember which. And he had 11 one-putts. So, he beat it by 1 stroke, just one day later. He had also shot a 74, on a par 71 course (+3). The best he has ever shot at that course, breaking it but his previous best of 75.

Now, I come to ask everyone one of you this.

How many one putts have you had in one round? How many do you average? Do you know anyone who has done any better than this?

I want to say that it'll probably be a no, but we will see.

What is your personal best? How many times?

I average 5 to 6 a round, but that is just insane in my mind. That is at least half the golf course that he one-putted.

So what do you have on that?

P.S. He only had one three-putt in both days combined.