My theory of play is about playing consecutive rounds right after the other.

Theory? You shoot a better score the 2nd round, than you do on your first.

Why? Reasons? I have guessses. Maybe you have the true answer.


My guess to the reasons are the following:

You are warmed up better after the first round.

You know where the pins. flags are.

Different playing conditions (not today, though.)

Learning from previous mistakes on the first round?



There are my guesses. The one I truly think is my first guess. That, you are warmed up better after the first 18.

Why? I believe it, because I hit the ball 10 yards further than I do in my first round, with the control. Shaping shots how I want. Getting to go a club down. Make a few more putts and less 3 putts.


What is your opinion? What do you think is the factor?