Today is 9 days and counting since the last time I played a round of Golf! The last 3-5 rounds I have played It was not any fun. I felt like I was just out there just going through the motion, and my scores reflect that. I usually get excited about shooting a round of golf days before I actually go to play. Usually on my way to the golf course I'm thinking about how fun it is going to be to shoot a low round and what I need to do to accomplish this goal. Like I said though, It feels like I'm just going through the motion's. Doing the same thing over and over and over. The same stupid chunked chips, the same stupid pull hook drive's into the woods, and usually by the time I make the turn I'm ready to go home. I've already gotten irritated with either the fellow riding with me who is still complaining about his triple bogey 3 holes ago or somthing stupid my kid did earlier in the morning that has nothing to do with what I'm doing at the moment. I'm ready for the cart girl so I can start popping the Budweiser tops so I have somthing to do while I ride out the last 9 holes.

     I have a scramble tourny I am going to play in on Wed. the 27th. The same one our team placed 2nd in last year. Wed. will be almost 2 weeks since the last time I played. So I brought my clubs to work with me today and plan on hitting the driving range after work. I'm hoping that either today or atleast by Wed. I will get the fire and the desire back to go out there and compete in this game that I love so much and hate so much at other times! lol. Maybe I need to change up who I am golfing with? Maybe I just need to change up with who I ride in the cart with? I don't know. I just don't feel it anymore! I haven't for the last month and a half or so. I'm burnt out I guess.

     Does anyone else ever get burnt out with this game? What caused you to become burnt out? What did you do to get the fire back?