The year 2010 is down to 9 1/2 days and soon the calendar will flip to 2011. I've started this blog in order to facilitate the offseason discussion, be it challenges for 2011 (aka: trash talking, smack talking, et cetera), suggestions for rule changes/improvements/committee makeup for 2011, as well as any other pertinent comments made for the SFGT.

Here are a few of my ideas (and of course, the triumverate is welcome to take them under advisement but is not obligated to act on any of the ideas)...

1) Insist that members who sign up and are approved for the group play in the majourity of events. We all have the occasional scheduling conflict and the occasional monetary budget issues, but there is really no reason that anyone should ever miss 3 events in one year, barring a catastrophic injury, in which case, the member could inform the committee and ask for a medical waiver, sort of akin to the NCAA's "redshirt" rules. In the absence of such a "redshirt", I think if a member misses one event, no comment to the member is necessary. If they miss a second, they are given a warning that if they miss a third, they'll be dropped from the group for the year but that they'll be allowed to reapply for membership in future years.

2) Either increase the size of the committee (and I've already suggested this a few months back) OR cap the size of the group at XXX members, so that the ratio of members to committee members does not get unusually burdensome. This is supposed to be fun, not an ordeal, and the committee should not have to spend 12 hours on their day off from their regular jobs (outside of Stracka) tabulating results for the single tourney/event. Honestly, (and obviously, I don't know exactly how much time they are spending on it) but if it's taking more than say 2-3 hours per event, we need to look at either a cap or a committee increase.

3) Dang it, I forgot what my 3rd idea was from earlier... if I remember it later, I'll add it... LOL

Comments, questions, concerns?