To Everyone,

I happen to use the same Id and password on most of my internet site login's.  Boy was that a mistake.

Paypal notified me that someone tried to change my Paypal language preferenences today. I knew it wasn't me. I can't read Arabic. They caught it, and then set limited access on the account. So I called them to report the issue, and found there were 15 other attemps of the same thing today. The good thing is there weren't any extra charges.

I'm not bad mouthing this site, I'm just alerting everyone that unless you see the security key set on, for the site, your password floats out on the internet unencrypted when you login, and it's easy to steal. So if you did like I did, you may need to reset your internet login passwords, especially on your banking sites.

I hope nobody else runs into this, but better safe than sorry.

So let's get back to the golf...  Dan