Let's identify one thing.  Exacty which issue do any of us have the right to be so incensed about?  How many issues are there? 

Tiger allegedly cheating on his wife and being guilty of infidelity?  So...we're going to get upset when it's a public figure, or does wealth give us the right to pry?  This must be true, no one got upset when I got busted coloring outside the lines...except my first wife and every family member on that side, but that's another venue unto its own .  So where then do you set the bar?  Net worth of 1 milion or more?  Nah, way to low.  There must be a line however, or being upset at the indiscretions of others would be all we had time to do.  So that must not be the real issue.

Tiger possibly being a hypocrite?  The last time I checked, Tiger hasn't given me any guidance on where I should set my moral compass, and then set sail in the opposite direction.  Maybe I have the right to get upset because he may have been a hypocrite to someone else then.  That can't be it, I just don't have a dog in that fight.  So that must not be the real issue.

I could play this game for quite some time, and present other issues that are likely much closer to the truth, but they are more provocative than I am willing to auther in this forum, so let me speak for myself and be clear on my issue and all others like it.

The media has bastardized the rights of American citizens to their patriotic right to privacy, and we are the spokes of hypocracy that feed this wretched beast.  The insults upon our rights are proliferated by our own malnurished feeding frenzies.  We have demonstrated that, regardless of our outward expressions of disgust, we will still sit transfixed on the television, engrossed in the tabloids, and invite the cancer into our conversations from the water cooler to the back church pews.

The cure is as simple as the basic fundamentals of economics, supply and demand.  If the demand decreases or disappears, so then the supply shall follow suit.  I hold no false belief that the demand for gosip, "inside information", and patently fabricated sensationalism will ever become notably deminished.  Therefore, the supply "shall follow suit." 

The choice then lies entirely within the individual, to participate or abstain.  It is up to each of us then to become more aware of, and guarded against, the blatant and intentional manipulation of the media, geared toward feeding our ever increasing hunger to observe the pain and suffering of others as if it were entertainment.