D.C. Area #149 Golf Club


The name of this club shall be DC Area #149.


Section 1.
To stimulate interest in golf within our community by bringing together a group of golfers desirous of forming and operating a golfing organization using computer tools and networking as the primary means of communication between members.

Section 2.
To promote and foster among the members a closer bond and community for their joint and mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions.

Section 3.
To encourage conformance to the USGA Rules of Golf by creating a representative authority.

Section 4.
To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System, uphold the integrity of that system, and issue USGA Handicap Indexes to the members.

Section 5.
To provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.


Section 1.
Memberships in the club are individual and non-transferable.

Section 2.
Members must have a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with fellow members and personally enter scores into the US Handicap/Stracka system .

Section 3.
Members must obtain a premium (silver) level membership on the US Handicap/Stracka website. There will be no additional fees other than those charged by US Handicap/Stracka. Each member must list his or her correct first and last name, email, and zip code in the profile settings and enable email notifications in the account settings.

Section 4.
Members must reside within a 50 mile radius of Zip Code 20001. The Board of Directors may review any unusual circumstances regarding this requirement.

Section 5.
Membership confers no special privileges in connection with any golf course.

Section 6.
Members must play at least 3 rounds of golf with another member and compete in at least 1 club tournament each calendar year. Each such round and tournament must be verified through the US Handicap/Stracka website. The vTour qualifies as a club tournament.

Section 7.
The USGA Rules of Golf and Local Golf Course Rules shall govern all play. All rounds should be played to the best of your ability.

Section 8.
All scores must be posted in accordance with the USGA handicap system, at the earliest reasonable opportunity of the member. All 9 hole and 18 hole stroke play rounds shall be posted. If 7 to 12 holes are played, the member must post a nine-hole score. If 13 or more holes are played, the player must post an 18-hole score. Unplayed holes are entered as if the player scored each hole equal to par plus their handicap strokes on that hole. See USGA Handicap Manual 5-1.

Section 9.
All tournament scores must be posted using the hole-by-hole method. It is recommended that non-tournament scores be entered hole-by-hole. Gross scores must be adjusted in accordance with section 4 of the U.S.G.A. Handicap Manual.

Section 10.
Members shall verify that tees, rating, slope, and date played information is accurate before posting a score. In the event that the US Handicap/Stracka website reflects inaccurate information, the member must follow the directions on the website to make any necessary correction.

Section 11.
All members shall conduct themselves in an honorable way when participating in any club tournament, membership round or function to uphold the integrity of the game of golf and the club.

Section 12.
The President shall have the authority to remove from club membership any member who fails to comply with these bylaws. Any member so removed may dispute his or her removal by notifying the Board. The Board will then consider the President’s justification for removal, any statements by the member in support of his or her continued membership, and any other information it finds reasonably necessary to render a decision. The Board will then vote on whether to uphold the President’s removal. If 3 or more Board Members support the President’s decision, the member will be removed from the club.


Section 1.
The term for the Board of Directors will be January 1st through December 31 of each year.

Section 2.
The Club will have 3 Officersâ€"a President, Vice President, and Secretaryâ€"and 3 Chairpersonsâ€"a Tournament Chairperson, Social Chairperson, and USGA Handicap Chairperson. Management of the Club is vested in the Officers and Chairpersons. These 6 individuals make up the Club’s Board of Directors. Any matter not specifically addressed in these bylaws will be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 3.
Solicitation for members interested in serving as an Officer shall be disseminated to all members via the US Handicap/Stracka messaging system. Nominations for Officers will be accepted from November 1st through November 30th each year. A “ballot” reflecting the names of members interested in being elected to officer positions will be disseminated via the US Handicap/Stracka messaging system on or about November 30th of each year. Elections will take place from December 1st through December 15th of each year, with ballots returned via the US Handicap/Stracka messaging system . Each member shall have 1 vote for each Officer position. Nominees will be elected by plurality of votes cast by members. Write-in votes will not be accepted. The elected Officers will assume control of the club on January 1st of each year. Should no members volunteer to run for a particular position, the new President will appoint a member of the Club to that position, with the consent of that member.

Section 4.
The President will conduct all meetings, appoint all chairpersons, act as an ex-officio member of all committees, and act in any capacity required to promote and maintain an active and enthusiastic golf club. The president shall appoint new officers and/or chairpersons as needed if an office or chair is vacated for any reason prior to the end of the Board of Directors term.

Section 5.
The Vice-President shall perform duties of the President in their absence and shall assist the President as needed and shall promote membership participation in club activities.

Section 6.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Board and General Meetings. Shall conduct routine correspondence and such correspondence as may be directed by the Board of Directors.

Section 7.
The Social Chairperson shall encourage and arrange social entertainment features and events for special occasions. The Social Chairperson may select other members to assist as part of the Social Committee.

Section 8.
The Tournament Chairperson will solicit club members to coordinate club competitions and help facilitate each competition. The Tournament Chairperson will also facilitate inter-club and club team competitions..

Section 9.
The USGA Handicap Chairman shall perform all duties in accordance with the USGA Handicap Manual. The USGA Handicap Chairman may appoint members as needed to assist them in performing the duties of the Handicap Chairman.

Section 10.
Special Chairpersons shall be assigned responsibilities as the President deems appropriate. The term of a Special Chairperson” ends when the project or goal for which they are appointed is complete. Special Chairpersons shall not have voting rights at any board meetings.

Section 1.
The club does not collect dues or maintain a Treasury.

Section 2.
Members participating in any tournament or event will pay related greens fees, cart fees, and any other fee required by the hosting venue or organizer. Non-participants will not be required to contribute.


Any member may propose amendments to the bylaws by sending a US Handicap/Strack message to the President of the Club. Any proposed amendment will be reviewed by the Board to ensure compliance with USGA and US Handicap/Stracka requirements and discussed with the member for any clarification/explanation. If not inconsistent with USGA and US Handicap/Stracka requirements, the proposed amendment will be submitted for comment via the US Handicap/Stracka message system to the membership for a period of time no less than 2 weeks and no greater than 1 month. After that time expires, the Officers will decide whether to make any changes to the proposed amendment, then submit it to the membership via the US Handicap/Stracka message system for a vote. Amendments will pass by a plurality of participating members.