My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: The Fore Players
Member Handicap Last Online
Jay Pietrafetta (JayPet)
NH 3/27/2019 3:38:23 PM
Charles Beale (CharlesBeale)
NH 3/23/2019 7:35:53 PM
Sue Beale (SueBeale)
NH 3/23/2019 7:30:00 PM
Ben Earle (Benn)
NH 3/16/2019 10:46:37 PM
NH 2/15/2019 9:59:57 AM
Jeff Stone (Joker182)
NH 1/15/2019 7:31:07 AM
Luis Herrera (LuisGuate)
NH 8/4/2018 8:09:04 PM
Bill Cannova (BCannova)
NH 4/25/2018 9:15:26 PM
Christohper Cook (shinzwai)
NH 1/2/2018 10:29:48 AM
Alex Berman (adboom)
NH 8/18/2017 4:41:09 PM
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  • Comments (108)

    Kym Irving 4/28/2012 10:10:23 AM
    Playing up in Boynton Beach @ Public links Champ course if anyone is interested 2pm Tee time next Saturday :)

    SueBeale 6/24/2010 7:32:21 AM
    Yesterday I posted a score played @ The Club @ Winston Trails. (Also posted for the vTour: Handicap Open) I noticed that my score now has an N after it. Why would it not be considered for my handicap?

    ikarpel 5/2/2010 8:06:43 PM
    Thanks for adding me to your club. I appreciate it.

    lour50 2/23/2010 10:08:51 AM
    This for fore playes how about tournament?

    cwoy 1/16/2010 7:25:19 AM
    I had a handicap for a while but haven't played or added a score in about two months. now my handicap is gone, do you know what happened? thanks for your help.

    jmwilliams622 12/24/2009 3:25:28 PM
    I just completed 5 rounds after 12-15 but before 1-15...does that mean that I"ll have a handicap posted after 1-15?

    adboom 8/17/2009 9:46:30 PM
    Heads Up... Just a reminder to everyone that has not adjusted their zipcodes to within 50 miles of the club (in Broward County), you have until the last day of August before you will have to be removed from the club. Please, if you have no zipcode, 99999 or 00000 as a zipcode change it to your real zipcode (within 50 miles of Broward County) or you will be removed from the club on September 1st.
    Thanks for your participation...
    Alex - adboom
    Chairman - The Fore Playersd from the club. Please, if you have no zipcode, 99999 or 00000 as a zipcode change it to your real zipcode (within 50 miles of Broward County) or you will be removed from the club on September 1st.
    Thanks for your participation...
    Alex - adboom
    Chairman - The Fore Players

    CaneCole 8/17/2009 5:58:47 AM
    I have a couple of slots available for Sat. @ 8:15 at Jacaranda (West Corse) if anyone is interested. I'll also be available for Friday at any "Premier Card" location, thinking about Inverrary (East). Hopefully, we don't catch any of those storms this weekend. Keep hitting them straight (and long)!

    CaneCole Hopefully, we don't catch any of those storms this weekend. Keep hitting them straight (and long)!


    SueBeale 8/15/2009 4:16:42 PM
    Can you help? My husband, Charles Beale (also a member) can no longer log on. We use the same email address, but only I can log on and post scores. Any suggestions?

    jeffgravitt 8/12/2009 8:23:04 PM
    Thanks for adding me to the club

    gensho 7/27/2009 9:38:22 PM
    Commish (adboom) - new to your club. thanks for the add! I'm looking for games on the, I need to play with some club members in order to stay "official". You have any events coming up?p?

    AaronCohen PA 7/27/2009 8:20:10 PM
    I just started playing in Janurary of this year.. Golf have quickly become an addiction of mine. I generally play on Saturday Mornings (in the Lake Worth area)but I will travel to Broward. If anyone wants to play drop me a line AaronCohen.PA@gmail.comants to play drop me a line

    PeteG512 7/24/2009 12:03:24 PM
    I was wondering why my 8 rounds have not been counted towards my Handicap?

    QuoteGuy 7/22/2009 10:48:39 PM
    Hey all. Questions...I'm in Phoenix and was wondering if my rounds out here count towards my handicap. I wasn't sure if I had to play within a 50 mile radius in order for it to be applicable. I was under the impression that the 50 mile radius stipulation just applied towards membership of this prestigious club. Just inquiring. Thanks. Hit 'em straight! under the impression that the 50 mile radius stipulation just applied towards membership of this prestigious club. Just inquiring. Thanks. Hit 'em straight!

    CharlesBeale 7/18/2009 7:56:18 AM
    Thanks to a mix-up with, it appears that I may have requested membership into your Club twice, under two different email addresses. Please cancel the first one that is listed under, and consider this one now that all my scores have transferred. Thank, and consider this one now that all my scores have transferred. Thank you.
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  • Membership Information
    Club Name: The Fore Players
    Official Name: Coconut Creek Area #073
    Membership: Private
    Club Type: Traveling Tournament Club
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Florida State Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 35
    Location: Coconut Creek FL

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Alex Berman
    Handicap#: 2833227