My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: DENTON Area #76208
Member Handicap Last Online
James Engblom (BLUEMAX)
NH 7/17/2019 1:09:44 PM
vic gutekunst (victor1979)
NH 7/11/2019 12:58:28 AM
Daniel Zipes (Daniel Zipes)
NH 5/20/2019 3:25:01 PM
Mike Simms (MikeSimms16)
NH 12/12/2018 1:42:59 PM
Bill Livingston (Bill Livingston)
NH 6/6/2018 5:11:34 PM
JT Everett (JT Everett)
NH 4/30/2018 3:56:41 PM
Vince Tallant (VinceTallant)
NH 3/22/2018 9:35:27 AM
John Barree (JohnBarree)
NH 3/16/2018 9:03:46 PM
Dain Ebright (Dain Ebright)
NH 2/28/2018 2:44:43 PM
John Hickerson (John Hickerson)
NH 2/8/2018 11:35:06 AM
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  • Comments (30)

    ptkline 9/5/2011 10:01:47 AM
    I'm new to this club as well, but I would certainly welcome playing in an event. Or, alternatively is there a way to effectively connect with individual members to play at area courses?

    JohnBarree 8/31/2011 5:41:00 PM
    We are shooting for October 22nd.

    rlpjr58 8/31/2011 4:58:20 PM
    John - Any updates on a possible tourney?

    victor1979 8/24/2011 9:51:06 PM
    hey guys!! I am new to this, so I have a few questions. Do you guys setup outings to maintain your handicap?? What are vtourneys??

    Anita Roberts 8/13/2011 11:24:54 AM
    could it be tied in with a benefit tournament?

    JohnBarree 8/12/2011 6:52:18 PM
    Dear Members

    I am painfully aware that I have not organized any club tournaments this year, which has meant that members are reliant on entering vTour events to satisfy the USGA playing requirement. I acknowledge that this is not ideal. However, the turnout from the past club for the tournaments was so low that it was barely worth the time and effort involved in organizing the events.

    So I am sending this message out to all members to gauge the interest in one or more club tournaments in the remainder of 2011. If you GENUINELY think that you would make every effort to attend an event in 2011 (provided I give you all as much notice as possible of the date selected!), please reply to me or post a message in the thread on the club's front page. If there is sufficient interest, I will proceed with organizing an event.


    JohnBarree 8/10/2011 7:40:51 PM
    Who is interested in having a Club Championship, participating in it, and helping to setup and organize it?

    JohnBarree 8/10/2011 12:25:53 PM
    We nedd to have our club Championship...

    butta 3/30/2011 9:06:32 PM
    New to this online handicap site. How do I get in touch with other members to post the required rounds (3) with other members ? Are they "virtual rounds" -- done the same way as the vTourney ? Is all communication done on this page ? Etc.
    Semper Fi

    JohnBarree 1/25/2011 12:45:46 PM
    We will be having our 1st vTourney on February 19th. Please let me know if you are participating.

    rlpjr58 6/29/2010 9:09:18 PM
    John- Judging from the response you have gotten so far, I believe you need to post a place, a time and a date for the club tournamant. Maybe then you will get more responses.
    Membership Information
    Club Name: DENTON Area #76208
    Official Name: DENTON Area #76208
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Texas Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 100
    Location: DENTON TX

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    John Barree
    Professional Champion
    Handicap#: 2811031