My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Raleigh Area #273
Member Handicap Last Online
Jim Stracka (JimLovesGolf)
NH 1/12/2021 1:03:26 PM
Ed Pickett (eluno1)
NH 9/21/2015 7:22:37 AM
Alan Skipper (AlanSkipper)
NH 7/1/2015 2:11:48 PM
Jim Thompson (JimThompson)
NH 4/3/2013 2:16:06 PM
Greg Kelly (GregKelly)
NH 2/11/2013 9:17:51 AM
Andy Priest (AndyPriest)
NH 6/13/2012 8:29:47 PM
Tiffany Priest (Tiffany Priest)
NH 3/31/2012 7:43:20 AM
Jack Nance (Jack Nance)
NH 3/25/2012 5:09:44 PM
tdkent22 (tdkent22 )
NH 12/31/2011 8:40:57 AM
Paul Stone (Paul Stone)
NH 11/28/2011 3:25:23 PM
  • 1
  • 2

  • Comments (23)

    Tiffany Priest 3/31/2012 8:30:27 AM
    Hello Everyone -
    Since a year has now passed in our "test club" it's time to move over to our new Carolinas eClubs.
    This will be a service you will need to pay for since we are now passed our first year free timeline.
    You can visit our website and on the left click on "membership" and then eClub registration. The website will guide you through the process.
    This will allow you to post your socres, sign up for CGA gross and net one day events, championships, etc.
    If you currently already have scores in this system let me know and I will have them moved over once you join Carolinas eClub Raleigh.
    If you have any questions please let me know directly at
    Thank you for your assitance this past year during our test phase.

    We look forward to seeing you over in Carolinas eClub soon!

    Tiffany Priest
    Carolinas Golf Association

    Jack Nance 10/7/2011 2:30:09 PM
    Hello all...wanted to see what is going out there in CGA Test / Raleigh 273 club.

    Jack Nance 5/3/2011 1:38:58 PM
    You AENC folk keep playing and posting!

    Reverand 3/4/2011 6:20:05 AM
    A 105 yesterday. Man it was ugly. Match play on front nine, went -8, -6, -4, -2 and 0 with the presses! Came back a little on back, but still lost $25. Couldn't chip, couldn't putt. Never thought I'd say this, but can't wait for the bermuda to grow in so I can chip again.

    Jack Nance 3/3/2011 1:15:09 PM
    Yall ready for some warm weather?

    Jack Nance 1/24/2011 1:39:53 PM
    Thanks for acing the test Tiffany. I feel whole now.

    David Pitkin 1/24/2011 1:33:47 PM
    This is good news. Now get the weather to warm up and I will get the clubs out of the garage!

    Tiffany Priest 1/24/2011 1:27:24 PM
    We're now compliant! Everyone now has "offical" CGA/USGA handicaps in the TEST system. If you're still showing as a N/A you need to post more scores into the system.

    Let us know any feedback or if you have any questions just post them here. Thanks

    JimThompson 1/19/2011 4:29:41 PM
    This is a great tool Glad to be a part of it. I wish it would free up my time to play more!! : )

    Tiffany Priest 1/19/2011 4:10:36 PM
    Hi Everyone! The USGA test has been taken and submitted to the USGA for final approval. Our handicaps/club should be licensed with them very soon. In the meantime -- keep posting your scores and keep messing around in the site. We would like your feedback on how you use the system. Thanks!

    Jack Nance 1/1/2011 4:10:48 PM
    Played Seven Lakes CC today with Greg Kelly and Konold brothers. Not only did I play golf but I also got hooked into an NFL Fantasy League Playoff. Should be interesting.

    Jack Nance 12/30/2010 5:01:04 PM
    Sounds good...I see we have 13 goflers now.

    Maybe we can have a little tourney at the Bridges now huh Jim? :)

    To all, please give us your comments along the way. Items we want to know about are a) ease of use b) other parts of the website c) ideas to make it better and d) would this be a viable option for you to join the CGA? (Assuming you were not to join a green grass club)

    Thanks to Jim Stracka for getting us going. He has confirmed that he will provide free memberships until the end of 2011! Thanks JS!

    Happy New Year to all

    Tiffany Priest 12/29/2010 8:22:06 PM
    Hi all --
    We will take the USGA Handicap test here soon. Once we do that we will have to be "approved" by the USGA then everyone should be able to see their handicaps soon. Thanks for helping us out with the test pilot!

    Jack Nance 12/28/2010 1:36:52 PM
    I am sending this out to the CGA Raleigh 273 club to see if all get it. Happy New Year.....

    JimThompson 12/23/2010 5:34:30 PM
    Thank you Jim!!
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Raleigh Area #273
    Official Name: Raleigh Area #273
    Membership: Private
    Club Type: Traveling Tournament Club
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Carolina Golf
    Compliant: No
    Members: 15
    Location: Raleigh NC

    2025 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Tiffany Priest
    Handicap#: 2949966