My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: AFCO Country Club
Member Handicap Last Online
Mike Mader (Misha)
NH 8/3/2017 9:56:21 AM
Bradley Mader (Bradley Mader)
NH 8/3/2012 9:44:31 PM
Sean Keller (kellersp21029)
NH 6/26/2012 10:04:05 AM
Nicholas Minarik (nminarik)
NH 7/6/2010 9:58:47 AM
kurtiskess (kurtiskess )
NH 6/12/2010 8:35:34 PM

Comments (1)

Misha 6/25/2009 8:15:05 PM
We need to meet and discuss bylaws, membership, and goals for this club. We can arrange a date to do this during work hours.
Keep adding your scores as we move forward to becoming a recognized club by the USGA. This will help you have an established handicap that will allow us to have internal "matches". the USGA. This will help you have an established handicap that will allow us to have internal "matches".
Membership Information
Club Name: AFCO Country Club
Official Name: Ft. Geroge Meade Area #755
Membership: Private
Club Type: Traveling Tournament Club
National Assn: USGA
Regional Assn: Maryland State Golf Association
Compliant: No
Members: 5
Location: Ft. George Meade MD

2024 Revision Schedule
Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

Club Chair
Mike Mader
Handicap#: 2812279