My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Top Gunn golf
Member Handicap Last Online
Will Davis (wdavis)
NH 6/12/2020 10:31:16 PM
mark brendstrup (MARKBRENDSTRUP)
18.0 8/18/2019 11:03:13 AM
James Moran (Golfer)
NH 8/17/2019 9:58:09 PM
Philip Slingerland (Philip Slingerland)
NH 8/7/2019 12:24:31 PM
Rich Kaiser (GolfNet)
NH 7/31/2019 7:20:14 PM
JOHN GILLIS (TommyGillis)
NH 7/31/2019 3:09:22 PM
eric kemp (eric kemp)
23.6 7/16/2019 4:10:35 PM
Craig Holman (cholman001)
6.8 7/2/2019 7:13:50 PM
Chris Gent (ctg77)
NH 5/31/2019 2:44:24 PM
Jeffrey Sullivan (Jeffrey Sullivan)
NH 4/18/2019 3:40:50 PM
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  • Comments (18)

    Lloyd Brandt 7/2/2018 2:10:04 PM
    Does anyone have contact info for our Club Chair? I need either e-mail address or telephone number as part of a tournament registration. I have tried sending him messages, but received no response. Thanks.

    Taxmaster 7/21/2014 9:29:42 AM
    Can someone move to become the new Club Chair since Kerrye has not been active years?

    Taxmaster 8/15/2013 3:49:58 PM
    When is the group's tournament we are required to play?

    Taxmaster 9/4/2011 11:30:14 PM
    Anyone interested in playing this holiday weekendor next weekend? I need to play a round with members to maintain handicap.

    Lloyd Brandt 8/16/2011 7:43:40 AM
    I need an e-mail address or phone number for the chairman to register in a tournament. Does anyone know either of these?

    Leah. 6/14/2011 12:46:01 PM
    This is our first Qualifier to win a trip to Vegas! For only $12 you will Spend two nights at the MGM Grand Las Vegas while spending your nights golfing at the Desert Pines Golf Club and/or Royal Links Golf Club! Sponsored by

    DeBrian 1/18/2010 11:14:40 PM
    Just happy to be aparty of this organization. I'm still serving in the US NAVY & have played competition golf for some years now. I live in Dallas

    heartotexas 11/20/2009 7:50:58 AM
    Well it says I'm a member. Been looking for the right kind of club to join and this looks to be it. I'm retired Army (1976-1996) and live in Frisco.

    jnmathena 6/18/2009 7:49:42 PM
    Let me know if it was okay to join your club. I'm new to Golf Q and I needed to enter scores to establish my hdcp. I wasn't sure of the proper procedure.
    Jim M.

    Lugnut24 6/1/2009 11:39:23 AM
    K.B. when are you going to have a tournament?

    jalbano 5/13/2009 8:48:19 PM
    Hello, I am not retired, but military at Fort Hood. Do I meet your club requirements?
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Top Gunn golf
    Official Name: Arlington Area #002
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Texas Golf Association
    Compliant: Yes
    USGA ID: 28288
    Members: 317
    Location: Arlington TX

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Jon Clemson
    Handicap#: 3871475