My Game  /  Golf Courses  /  Jackson Park Golf Club
Jackson Park Golf Club

(18 Holes) The 18-hole "Jackson Park Golf Club" course at the Jackson Park Golf Club facility in Chicago, IL opened in 1899.

Scorecard Information
Tee Name Length Par Slope Rating
Men's 5,508 70 109 65.7
Ladies' (W) 5,307 72 108 67.8
White 0 70 108 65.1
Course Information
Address: 6300 Hayes Dr
Chicago, IL 60637
Get Directions
Phone: (312) 747-2763
2024 Season: 4/1 thru 10/31
Member Favorites
351 total member(s) See All
Course Comments
Comments (3)

Zachary Homrighaus 3/22/2012 7:49:24 AM
Yes please! The yardage and par info is not there, so we can't enter round stats.

djmedinah 3/20/2012 7:23:18 PM
Also total yardage. Here's the info, directly from the scorecard. Yardage, then par.
1. 395 4 10. 267 4
2. 369 4 11. 296 4
3. 288 4 12. 144 3
4. 300 4 13. 183 3
5. 464 5 14. 559 5
6. 176 3 15. 470 5
7. 321 4 16. 372 4
8. 133 3 17. 212 3
9. 300 4 18. 259 4

djmedinah 3/20/2012 7:16:42 PM
Can someone add the hole information, please?