My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Piqua Area Golf Club
Member Handicap Last Online
Shaun Duesler (Shaun Duesler)
NH 9/11/2018 8:12:15 AM
Fred Bruns (Fred Bruns)
NH 12/4/2017 1:50:36 PM
Don Gunston (Don Gunston)
NH 11/8/2017 8:53:38 AM
Norm Hampshire (Norm Hampshire)
NH 9/7/2017 2:05:58 PM
Bill Smuzok (Bill Smuzok)
NH 3/16/2017 10:07:07 AM
Hugh Barnett (Hugh Barnett)
NH 5/24/2016 11:40:04 AM
Karen Kuhn (Karen Kuhn)
NH 1/15/2016 9:22:32 AM
robert lindsey (robert lindsey)
NH 8/24/2015 9:28:10 AM
larry baker (larry baker)
NH 8/24/2015 9:27:09 AM
Lewis Hanna (Lewis Hanna)
NH 8/17/2015 8:51:00 AM
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  • Comments (4)

    Tom prots 10/29/2014 7:57:40 AM
    Great news, James has stepped in as the handicap chair, the club will remain compliant.

    tomrike 4/16/2012 7:21:37 PM
    Whats up with the handicap calculator. my post a score will not turn on the fairways hit/missed boxes, plus i was a 7.9, loaded two scores ,an 86 for 18 and a 42 for 9 holes. now im a 5.8 and the over par amt is listed in the scoring record as under par not over par.

    TOMJESSUP11 4/27/2009 9:24:33 AM
    I am looking for a way to post my scores and keep a USGA handicap. I was a member of the Miami Valley Golf Assoc through the Piqua Country Club. I gave up my membership in February so I need a way to kep current.kep current.
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Piqua Area Golf Club
    Official Name: Piqua Area #356
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Ohio Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 93
    Location: Piqua OH

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    James  Snyder
    Handicap#: 3551535