My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: NW Arkansas Golf Fans
Member Handicap Last Online
Andy Osment (ATO AR)
NH 8/6/2019 7:19:09 PM
Val Breitag (Val Breitag)
NH 4/29/2018 10:24:25 PM
Blake Hierholzer (Blake Hierholzer )
NH 8/8/2017 7:57:39 PM
marcus alexander (marcus alexander)
NH 5/1/2017 2:06:51 PM
Taylor johnson (Taylor johnson)
NH 3/24/2017 1:01:51 AM
Sue McKenna (Sue McKenna)
NH 7/31/2016 2:42:00 PM
Jeff Keener (Jeff Keener)
NH 7/23/2016 1:00:42 PM
Dietz Brock (Dietz Brock)
NH 9/29/2015 11:14:18 AM
Debbie Smithyman (Debbie Smithyman)
NH 1/17/2015 12:49:55 PM
Joe Dancer (dancer38)
NH 1/3/2015 5:07:54 PM
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  • Comments (18)

    CharlesDickerson 9/11/2013 6:08:17 PM
    Sue, I have received random emails that I cannot verify asking me to chair other clubs on here. I am not sure what his happening on the site but it doesn't make sense. I'll keep you posted if I ever get a response.

    Sue McKenna 9/11/2013 5:12:37 PM
    Hello All,
    I have been asked to chair the Bella Vista 714 golf club and have received word that we are officially licensed through the USGA through 12/31/2015! If anyone wants information about this process or how to receive training through the USGA, please let me know. As a requirement for the club, our members are supposed to post at least 3 scores per year. Please get the word maintain membership we need 10 people who are active and who will post their scores regularly.

    CharlesDickerson 4/4/2013 1:35:42 AM
    If you have never played in the World Amateur Handicap Championship you need to give it a look. It's played the last week in August(week before Labor Day), includes 4 rounds of golf, cart, and entrance for you and a guest at the worlds largest 19th hole (a little food and some free booze!). If you win your flight (and that's no mean feat) you play Friday for the overall championship. I've played in this event the last two years and its a blast. Estimated 3000 players. For men the flights are so evenly matched you'll have approximately 50 golfers inside of a stroke in handicap. There are lots of women players as well. Check it out! Registration for this years event has started -

    CharlesDickerson 4/4/2013 1:30:46 AM
    For those of you with your own electric carts you should check out the Gimme Charger. It's a charger you can plug into your cart to charge things like your phone, Golf GPS, whatever. About $40 and a nice accessory especially when more than 18 holes are in order.

    CharlesDickerson 3/18/2013 10:59:07 AM
    I found an excellent tool online that helps you calculate distances for your clubs. Just use the link below and follow the simple instructions .

    CharlesDickerson 12/1/2012 1:57:52 PM
    Go to and find a great deal for 2 at Murder Rock. You can use 2 coupons on one visit so your foursome will be able to play, all on the same deal.

    CharlesDickerson 7/5/2012 10:31:54 AM
    Note: I just received an email from Buddy Mackey of the GolfNet support team that the USGA has received all necessary information for the club to begin issuing handicaps. I am awaiting a mailing from the USGA; our clubs certification.

    CharlesDickerson 7/3/2012 2:44:06 PM
    Very Important - In order to be licensed to utilize the USGA handicap system we must be in compliance with several rules. The rules are posted in our Club Bylaws section. I am appointing 3 members of the club to the Handicap Committee. This committee is required to be compliant. There names are listed under that rule within the bylaws. Please read the bylaws. There are a few that I will highlight that I feel are the most critical to our licensing. Please take the time to read them and if you have any questions now is the time to ask.

    CharlesDickerson 6/1/2012 1:02:03 PM
    We have 10 members in the club. I have filled out the application for USGA certification. Not sure how long it takes but we are on our way. I have also updated club settings as well.

    CharlesDickerson 5/31/2012 6:17:13 PM
    Welcome to Sue McKenna and Debbie Smithyman. They play at the creeks (according to thier posts). We are happy to have you both on board!

    CharlesDickerson 5/30/2012 5:25:26 PM
    Yeah! I have passed the USGA Handicap Quiz so all we have left is to get 10 members and I can fill out the short application online and send it in so we can track handicaps for those that wish to do so.

    CharlesDickerson 5/23/2012 3:12:17 PM
    Welcome to Northwest Arkansas Golf Fans. I appreciate everyone taking the time to join. As soon as we get 10 members we can apply to the USGA for handicap purposes. In the mean time post your scores (note: turn on stats to track putts, FIR, GIR, etc.). Want to see how I am doing you can check that as well as any other golfer ... more later
    Membership Information
    Club Name: NW Arkansas Golf Fans
    Official Name: Bella Vista Area #714
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Arkansas State Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 44
    Location: Bella Vista AR

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Charles Dickerson
    Professional Champion
    Handicap#: 2844257