My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Capital Golf Club
Member Handicap Last Online
John Jay Sergent (JohnJaySergent)
14.8 12/26/2019 1:53:02 PM
Mike Miller (M Ray)
NH 10/6/2019 4:47:03 AM
Richard Hagy (Golfer)
NH 9/27/2019 9:18:43 PM
Jonathan Wooden (Jonathan Wooden)
NH 3/25/2019 7:23:28 AM
Bill Shute (WilliamShute)
NH 3/24/2019 10:02:47 PM
Stephen Plescow (STPlescow)
NH 3/20/2019 1:38:46 PM
John Tierney (John Tierney)
NH 3/18/2019 8:19:19 AM
Jon Sanford (Jon Sanford)
NH 3/18/2019 8:00:54 AM
Michael Waring (Michael Waring)
NH 2/14/2019 9:57:44 AM
Ryan Lambert (Ryan Lambert)
NH 1/20/2019 2:10:24 PM
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  • Comments (20)

    Jim Bishoff 7/1/2016 10:09:53 AM
    Capital Golf Club Members
    Anyone interested in a new Titleist 915 D2 driver (9.5 degree)?
    Please let me know.

    Jim Bishoff 4/17/2015 8:00:09 PM
    Capital Golf Club - May Event
    Scheduled for Sunday, May 17 at 1:00.
    Bull Run Golf Club
    $65 per person

    Jim Bishoff 9/13/2014 8:00:40 PM
    Have an opening tomorrow (September 14) 2:50 tee time at South Riding. email me if interested.

    Jim Bishoff 6/15/2014 6:15:11 AM
    Could someone forward me the information about next weeks outing?

    JohnJaySergent 8/2/2012 5:44:53 PM
    Anyone interested in playing Sunday?

    Rob Seals 8/2/2012 9:45:35 AM
    Freddie Miller and I are playing Pleasant Valley at 10:02 Saturday. We have room for 1 or maybe 2 more if anyone wants to play with us. Its $78 per player. Let me know.

    Rob Seals 7/26/2012 12:41:14 PM
    I have a tee time at 1:20 on the RTJ Course at Landsdowne Sunday. Anyone care to join me? It is $140 for greens fees.

    Will Elliott 5/10/2012 2:03:16 PM
    Anyone up for playing Augustine at 10:45am on Sat? I have a couple of spots left. It's $75. Let me know.

    dsc123 3/7/2012 10:21:02 AM
    Groupon has a pretty good deal going right now. You can get a book of golf discounts (waggle golf pass) for $20 to all sorts of places from NJ to VA. For example you can get $20 off Westfields twice, buy 3 get one free at Maryland National, merchandise discounts, buy one get ones at driving ranges, etc.

    I just bought 4 books for $60 and I think it will pay for itself for one foursome at Maryland National.

    dsc123 3/5/2012 12:05:45 PM
    I know most of you guys live in VA but John Tierney and I will be playing Needwood in Rockville on Sunday, March 11 at 1:06. We've got room for two more. Shoot me an email or PM if you're interested.

    dsc123 3/2/2012 11:54:51 AM
    I know this is late notice but is anyone interested in playing tomorrow afternoon? I'm thinking of playing one of the montgomery county courses around 1pm but could play just about any time or place.

    I'm also playing Northwest Golf Course in Silver Spring on Sunday at 1:30 if anyone wants to join me.

    dicksmith22 2/16/2012 9:27:07 AM
    I would like to make it known that John J. was forced to bow down to me in a round of golf last weekend because I handed him a defeat by 5 strokes. I guess he left his A-game at the house!

    dicksmith22 9/11/2011 4:05:39 PM
    We are now officially a compliant Club!

    dicksmith22 9/6/2011 8:41:18 PM
    Gentlemen - I am playing in a tournament on Oct. 14th which is put together as a fundraiser to help a 4 year old girl named Kaycee who has had some significant medical problems. The tournament is held at Cress Creek Golf Club in Shepherdstown, WV. Their is also a pig roast after the tournament. Let me know if anyone is interested in playing and I will forward you the information.
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Capital Golf Club
    Official Name: Capital Golf Club
    Membership: Private
    Club Type: Traveling Tournament Club
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Virginia State Golf Association
    Compliant: Yes
    USGA ID: 30447
    Members: 22
    Location: Alexandria VA

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    John Jay Sergent
    Professional Champion
    Handicap#: 2844439

    Richard Smith
    Handicap#: 2992058