My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: West Michigan Amateur Golf Association
Member Handicap Last Online
KFF 23 (KFF23)
NH 7/15/2013 6:20:36 AM
Todd Vela (tacoboxer)
NH 8/30/2012 8:14:53 AM
Scott Zbojniewicz (zbart)
NH 5/6/2011 7:58:27 PM
Dave Smith (davegogreen)
NH 4/29/2011 8:21:47 AM
Ryan Goosen (rgoosen)
NH 6/7/2010 7:38:11 AM
joe klooster (grjoe)
NH 5/11/2010 10:18:33 AM
Charles Doolittle (charlesdoolittle)
NH 3/11/2009 5:25:51 PM

Comments (13)

charlesdoolittle 2/3/2010 11:52:10 AM
I'm looking to host a free beer tasting and golf lesson "outing" at Champions Gate on 28th st. here in Grand Rapids. Would anyone here in the Association be interested in attending?

tacoboxer 6/30/2009 11:43:44 PM
Our June membership drive produced 10 new members. I want to thank members who refered friends and family to apply. Look for our next open enrollment for new applicants this fall.

tacoboxer 6/25/2009 4:45:50 PM
More new members to announce as a result of our June membership drive. WMAGA would like to recognize two more new members and welcome them aboard.

Scott Zbojniewicz (If we keep getting more applications from the Zbojniewicz clan, we may have to rename the WMAGA to Club Z)

Joe Klooster

Welcome aboard guys... hope to see you on the links soon!
ations from the Zbojniewicz clan, we may have to rename the WMAGA to Club Z)

Joe Klooster

Welcome aboard guys... hope to see you on the links soon!

tacoboxer 6/23/2009 3:28:05 PM
Only one week left in our June membership drive so encourage your golfing buddies to get their applications in asap..... this may be the last opportunity they have to apply in 2009.

ALSO......... WMAGA has two new members to recognize

Charles Doolittle
Ryan Goosen

Welcome aboard guys... hope to see you on the links soon!

MAGA has two new members to recognize

Charles Doolittle
Ryan Goosen

Welcome aboard guys... hope to see you on the links soon!

tacoboxer 6/17/2009 2:24:27 PM
More new members to announce as a result of our June membership drive. WMAGA would like to recognize our new members and welcome them aboard.

Brad Northman
Chris Darling
Mike Zbojniewicz (You'll have to let us know your relationship to Andy)

Looking forward to meeting you all and hitting the links together soon.l have to let us know your relationship to Andy)

Looking forward to meeting you all and hitting the links together soon.

tacoboxer 6/12/2009 2:44:12 PM
I encourage all WMAGA members to post your upcoming golf dates for all memebers to review.

For me I will be playing at Sunnybrook in Grandville on Sat & Sun in the Shipman Classic. (Had a horrible practice round on Wednesday so I'm hoping for some noticable improvement this weekend).

Also Monday 8:30 am Braeside Golf Course in Rockford is "$30 all you can play day". Check out our calander for all the details on how to get involved with WMAGA Mondays at Braeside.

Hit 'em straight this weekend boys!! practice round on Wednesday so I'm hoping for some noticable improvement this weekend).

Also Monday 8:30 am Braeside Golf Course in Rockford is "$30 all you can play day". Check out our calander for all the details on how to get involved with WMAGA Mondays at Braeside.

Hit 'em straight this weekend boys!!

tacoboxer 6/12/2009 2:39:01 PM
So far the June membership drive has brought us 3 new members. WMAGA would like to recognize our new members and welcome them aboard.

chris borek
Dave Smith

Looking forward to meeting you all and hitting the links together soon.meeting you all and hitting the links together soon.

tacoboxer 6/9/2009 8:56:41 AM
Monday AM at Braeside was rained out yesterday... But we will be out there again next Monday.... 8:30am If you can join, you need to reserve your tee time by calling Braeside. Tell them you are with the WMAGA group that tees off at 8:30h the WMAGA group that tees off at 8:30

tacoboxer 6/1/2009 9:08:59 PM
I love our members... We came together and quickly addressed the USGA's issues about our club memberships approval of our bylaws... and what we got in return was a letter from the USGA acknowledging our official status as a recognized USGA club!! I have the letter posted to the files section of our club page. Thanks again everyone!!ur official status as a recognized USGA club!! I have the letter posted to the files section of our club page. Thanks again everyone!!

tacoboxer 6/1/2009 3:57:44 PM
A quick thank you to our membership for the timely responses regarding the USGA compliance of WMAGA bylaws. Keeping our club in good standing with the USGA should be important to all of us.

Thank you for your continued cooperation AND continued successyou for your continued cooperation AND continued success

tacoboxer 6/1/2009 3:46:47 PM
Just completed a marathon golf session at Braeside Golf Course in Rockford. With their $30.00 all you can "play golf" Mondays, its a great way to get in some rounds for cheap. For my $30 (plus $5.95 i got a chicken salad sandwich a fountain soda and 54 holes of golf.

Anybody want to join me next monday for an 8:30 am tee time? i got a chicken salad sandwich a fountain soda and 54 holes of golf.

Anybody want to join me next monday for an 8:30 am tee time?

tacoboxer 5/29/2009 10:42:13 PM
Monday 8:30 tee time at breaside golf course in Rockford... $30 all you can play Mondays
Membership Information
Club Name: West Michigan Amateur Golf Association
Official Name: Grand Rapids Area #546
Membership: Private
Club Type: Traveling Tournament Club
National Assn: USGA
Regional Assn: Golf Association of Michigan
Compliant: No
Members: 7
Location: Grand Rapids MI

2024 Revision Schedule
Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

Club Chair
Todd Vela
Handicap#: 2838150