My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Nashville Area #134
Member Handicap Last Online
Daniel Gurgiolo (Daniel Gurgiolo)
NH January 28, 2025
Urs Gmur (Urs Gmur)
NH 4/26/2022 9:49:54 AM
Andre L Chasse (Golfer)
NH 2/2/2022 6:53:53 PM
JW Brunson (JWBrunson1)
NH 7/27/2020 7:17:26 PM
Scott Willocks (Golfer)
NH 7/20/2020 10:30:19 AM
Bernie Swiney (BERNR)
NH 7/12/2020 6:21:11 PM
Rick Firestone (Rick Firestone)
NH 7/10/2020 4:09:36 PM
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NH 2/20/2020 10:55:52 AM
Sandy Leonard (Golfer)
NH 10/14/2019 12:00:18 PM
Austin Scaggs (Golfer)
12.5 10/1/2019 7:14:16 PM
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  • Comments (16)

    CurtisRitchie 9/19/2018 9:53:49 AM
    I am a new member and I posted 7 rounds last night I have played in the last few months. Only one of them is being used to calculate my handicap. Why?

    Tom prots 10/22/2015 8:44:32 AM
    Great news, Adam and Darman have stepped in as handicap chairs for the club. thanks guys. Be looking for a few events in 2016!!

    Collector77 10/14/2015 8:45:22 PM
    Can someone explain to me the USHandicap relationship to GHIN?
    Where does our handicap originate? Is a GHIN membership required to receive a handicap card?
    Thanks .
    Mike a Wright (new member)

    Roger Sheaves 4/22/2015 9:37:20 AM
    This club is for the GolfWeek Amateur

    Please check it out.

    Darman Weaver 4/21/2015 2:16:42 PM
    Do we ever have any club tournaments or outings or get togethers?

    Tyeler 2/16/2015 4:40:54 PM
    Nice to meet everyone and to be a member here. My name is Tyeler and hope to see some of you on the Golf Week Am Tour this year if you are invloved. Look forward to fun and some tough competition!

    Michael ONeill 3/16/2014 1:25:10 PM
    Anyone want to play tomorrow? It will be cold, but should be a sunny day!

    Leah. 6/14/2011 12:40:51 PM
    This is our first Qualifier to win a trip to Vegas! For only $12 you will Spend two nights at the MGM Grand Las Vegas while spending your nights golfing at the Desert Pines Golf Club and/or Royal Links Golf Club! Sponsored by

    Brando 7/13/2009 8:23:24 AM
    Hello Nashville-

    Congrats on getting 10 members. Now, someone needs to step up and take the chairman position. Any takers? Duties listed here:
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Nashville Area #134
    Official Name: Nashville Area #134
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Tennessee Golf Association
    Compliant: Yes
    USGA ID: 28609
    Members: 1842
    Location: Nashville TN

    2025 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Darman Weaver
    Professional Champion
    Handicap#: 3314717

    Adam Moyer
    Handicap#: 3813382