My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Syracuse Area #224
Member Handicap Last Online
Tim Ashton (Ashton)
22.9 August 12, 2024
Dave Shea (Dave Shea)
NH 3/10/2022 1:30:26 PM
Ronald Bettinger (Ronald Bettinger)
NH 3/10/2022 1:29:10 PM
Ralph Rivers (Ralph Rivers)
NH 7/26/2021 11:07:46 AM
Evie Rivers (Evie Rivers)
NH 7/26/2021 11:07:14 AM
Robert Peluso (Robert Peluso)
NH 6/9/2021 10:43:28 AM
David O'brien (David O'brien)
NH 6/9/2021 10:43:12 AM
Bruce Edson (Bruce Edson)
NH 6/9/2021 10:40:28 AM
Joanne Edson (Joanne Edson)
NH 6/9/2021 10:40:04 AM
Barry Hayes (Barry Hayes)
NH 8/21/2020 10:10:45 AM
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  • Comments (5)

    DaveMeade71 4/26/2012 10:38:29 PM
    New to group & excited to be here. Looking to post my first 5 rounds for a handicap. Email me if you'd like to play a round and we'll set a time...

    Josiah DelGrosso 4/3/2012 5:33:10 AM
    I took the quiz 2 weeks ago so handicapping software would not be discontinued.

    JamieJoss 4/2/2012 9:19:34 PM
    I have taken on the role as Club Chair, hopefully this will be recorded soon. As part of this responsibility, would like to get everyone who is a part of our club to hold a club tournament. It would be a one-day tournament, which we would get as many people as possible (considering everyone's schedules may not be likely to get 100% participation). We would have everyone play (1) 18-hole round, we can do net-low winner and we can do a chicago scoring champion as well. Please email me with your interest to and then we can start circulating dates, I was thinking sometime in july or august. Thought it would be good to hold the event at Timber Banks in Baldwinsville if we can find a date that works for them, might need to be on a Monday-Tuesday to find the availabilty.

    JamieJoss 3/21/2012 3:43:23 PM
    Anyone looking to get out and play shoot me an email Just got back from a week in Florida played 13 rounds in 7 days.
    Membership Information
    Club Name: Syracuse Area #224
    Official Name: Syracuse Area #224
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: New York State Golf Association
    Compliant: Yes
    USGA ID: 23241
    Members: 485
    Location: NY

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    Rob Neuser
    Handicap#: 3914464

    Andrew Greacen
    Handicap#: 3393721