My Game  /  Golf Clubs  /  Club: Westminster Area #021
Member Handicap Last Online
Patrick Bennett (Golfer)
NH 7/6/2020 6:12:31 PM
Mel Apodaca (Mel Apodaca)
NH 3/13/2020 7:16:45 PM
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NH 9/20/2019 3:42:29 AM
Peter Romano (Peter Romano)
NH 8/7/2019 10:21:25 AM
Jim Fredenburg (Golfer)
NH 8/6/2019 11:55:33 AM
Dan Cavanaugh (Golfer)
NH 8/6/2019 12:38:59 AM
Ted Minnichbach (Ted Minnichbach)
NH 8/3/2019 6:33:57 PM
David Cooperberg (David Cooperberg)
NH 7/27/2019 1:16:41 PM
Greg Boonstra (Greg Boonstra)
NH 7/19/2019 1:42:36 PM
Chad Mann (Golfer)
NH 7/17/2019 11:56:11 AM
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  • Comments (13)

    Email 3/18/2020 1:26:21 PM
    Dear USHandicap Users.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances your club does not have an active chair.

    If you would like to be the chair, please be aware that the USGA is moving to the new World Handicap System.

    As part of this, they are requiring club chairs to complete some forms to acknowledge compliance, and take an online seminar for the new rules system. This will make your club compliant with the new rules system, and allow everyone to continue to receive handicaps.

    The USGA intends to reset all the handicaps of players who are not part of a compliant club in June. I hope we can prevent this tragedy.

    If you would like to do this, and get a free years membership as part of being the chair, please contact me at:

    Thank you for your consideration.
    Nicholas Ion

    Doug Brandl 5/14/2018 2:21:35 PM
    I am required to have a GHIN handicap number for a tournament I am playing in this july. Does this handicap cover that?

    5/12/2018 11:08:19 AM
    I don't know what #021 is or how I ended up here. I'm planning on playing tournaments later this year where I need a USGA handicap. Is this legit or do I need to join a "real" golf course?

    NVRSADI 9/8/2014 4:15:55 PM
    Is there a method to change your Club name information? Would like to change to a specific club instead of an area.

    Joshua Nath 7/29/2012 5:51:35 PM
    Do we get GHIN numbers for using this handicap software
    Membership Information
    Club Name:
    Official Name: Westminster Area #021
    Membership: Public
    Club Type: Club without Real Estate
    National Assn: USGA
    Regional Assn: Colorado Golf Association
    Compliant: No
    Members: 1592
    Location: CO

    2024 Revision Schedule
    Last Revision: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Season Start: Saturday, December 30, 1899
    Season End: Saturday, December 30, 1899

    Club Chair
    This club does not have a chair.