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App/Membership Support
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Does anybody still work in the support department? I still have gotten no response after more than 2 weeks.
# 1    3/6/2020 3:53:54 PM   
Still??? That's terrible. Try this guy. He's the one answering everyone's questions but yours.

Click on the blue message icon just above his photo and name.

# 2    3/6/2020 3:56:46 PM   
Still??? That's terrible. Try this guy. He's the one answering everyone's questions but yours.

Click on the blue message icon just above his photo and name.
I've direct messaged him once. No response.

GolfNet Staff
# 3    3/9/2020 10:00:54 AM   
Still??? That's terrible. Try this guy. He's the one answering everyone's questions but yours.

Click on the blue message icon just above his photo and name.
I've direct messaged him once. No response.
I don't have any access to the financial side of things so I am unfortuately unable help you here. Any messages/emails that you have sent to me I would have forwarded on.

# 4    3/9/2020 10:05:42 AM   
Still??? That's terrible. Try this guy. He's the one answering everyone's questions but yours.

Click on the blue message icon just above his photo and name.
I've direct messaged him once. No response.
I don't have any access to the financial side of things so I am unfortuately unable help you here. Any messages/emails that you have sent to me I would have forwarded on.
Thank you. I appreciate it. It seems like whoever handles the financial side is nonexistent.

Mongo68 GolfNet Staff Richie Ainsworth
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